KNAPP PM+ Polyurethane adhesive, for thick adhesive joints

KNAPP®-Adhesive PM+ is an easy to handle mono component polyurethane adhesive free from curing agents and formaldehydefree, meets DIN EN 204.
- Suitable for assembly and rough surfaces.
- Fast – The glue ensures a fast and even hardening
- Good adhesion characteristics to several types of wood, and building material, ceramics, metal, duroplast and thermoplastic after appropriate preparation of the surface
- Flexible – Can be over-coated with many paint systems
- Easy to mount – Can be ground when hard-dry
Suitable materials: Wood and building materials, many plastics, stone, ceramic, metal and KNAPP®-connectors, especially the TREPPO (2 or 3 cartridges are needed for 100 drillings).
Tested: Our adhesive has been tested and certified by the ift Rosenheim.
Processing – GLUING
The surfaces must be first dry and dust- and grease-free.
KNAPP®-ADHESIVE PM+ is applied onto one of the parts to be bonded. Open time approx. 7 Min., pressing time approx. 45 Min., fully hardened after 24h, minimum temp. +7 °C, moisture content 8-14 %, adhesive sample recommended.
Depending on material surface, check if the bonding result can be improved by grinding or applying of primer.
If non-absorbing materials are bonded (material humidity <8%), water must be “sprayed very finely” onto the adhesive to achieve complete curing.
Paint the bonded workpieces only after the adhesive has cured completely; if they are painted too early, formation of paint bubbles cannot be excluded.
The adhesive is applied one-sided as bead on one of the parts to be bonded. After they have been fit together, the parts must be fixed and pressed until functional strength has been reached.
If the thickness of the joints is >2.5 mm, the setting times, press times and curing time are clearly longer, joint thickness ≥5 mm shall be avoided.
If solid wood is bonded, the adhesive should preferably be applied on the two surfaces to be bonded. The press pressure shall be >1 N/mm².
Tip: An adhesive sample is recommended. Remove the exposed adhesive while it is still fresh.
GLUING: For preparatory work, please refer to the general processing instructions, safety data sheets and technical data sheets.
310 ml
The surfaces must be first dry and dust- and grease-free
Easy handling solvent-free 1-part polyurethane adhesive, with a viscous elastic
adhesive gap, water resistance Class D4 according to EN 204, formaldehyd free.
KNAPP®-ADHESIVE PU+ is applied onto one of the parts to be bonded.
Open time approx. 7 Min., pressing time approx. 45 Min., fully hardened after 24h, minimum temp. +7 °C, moisture content 8-14 %, adhesive sample recommended.
Various wood and construction materials, ceramics, metals, thermo- and duro-setting plastics, all recommended KNAPP®-connectors, especially for Treppo (staircase fixture).
For construction work with rough surfaces.